Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1. 女人在床上留的眼淚,比在任何一個地方多。 男人在床上說的謊話,也比任何一個地方多。

2. 愛情正是一個將一對陌生人變成情侶, 又將一對情侶變成陌生人的遊戲。

3. 愛一個人很難,放棄自己心愛的人更難。

4. 一個人最大的缺點不是自私、多情、 野蠻、 任性,而是偏執地愛一個不愛自己的人。

5. 一個承諾在最需要的時候沒有兌現,那就是出賣,以後再兌現,已經沒什麼意思了。

6. 我們放下尊嚴,放下個性,放下固執,都只是因為放不下一個人。

7. 有時候,我們愛著的,不是現實的那個人,而是回憶裡的他。

8. 愛情使人忘記時間,時間也使人忘記愛情。

9. 世上最遙遠的距離,不是生與死的距離,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你卻不知道我愛你。

10. 失望,有時候也是一種幸福,因為有所期待,所以才會失望,因為有愛, 才會有期待,所以縱使失望, 也是一種幸福,雖然這種幸福有點痛。

11. 世上最無法掩飾的,是你不愛一個人的時候的那種眼神。

12. 對於出現在自己所愛的男人身邊的任何一個女人,我們總是有許多聯想的。他會愛上她嗎?一生之中,我們重復著多少次這樣的憂慮?這些微小的妒忌,本來就是愛情的本質,也許是毫無根據,毫無道理的。

13. 喜歡一個人,是不會有痛苦的。愛一個人,才會有綿長的痛苦。當然,男人給女人的快樂,也是世上最大的快樂。

14. 愛對方多一點還是被對方愛多一點,從來不是我們選擇的。我們所嚮往的愛情,跟我們得到的,往往是兩回事。

15. 思念是苦的,假如你思念的那個人永遠不會愛上你。

16. 當一個女人不被一個男人所愛,她赤身露體,在他眼裏,不過是一堆血肉和骨頭。

17. 愛人是很卑微的,很卑微的,如果對方不愛你的話。

18. 一對男女之所以能夠成為佳偶,並不是因為他們完全一樣,而是他們能夠接受彼此的差異。

19. 我們害怕他會變心。我們害怕愛情會變。首先改變的往往不是一個人的心,而是他對事情的看法。想情人永不變心,你要不斷重新認識改變了的對方,重新欣賞改變了的對方。

20. 珍惜時間的人,很少會錯愛。我們的感情弄得一團糟,通常是因為我們喜歡浪費時間,百無聊賴,以為自己浪費得起。

21. 帶給你快樂的那個人,就是也能帶給你痛苦的人。

22. 如果沒法忘記他,就不要忘記好了。真正的忘記,是不需要努力的。

23. 只想找一個在我失意時,可以承受我的眼淚,在我快樂時,可以讓我咬一口的肩

Sunday, September 12, 2010


start - end

i love her she dont love me nvm is ok

fool me say she like me


blowing me kisses

yeeh, I said,
this one for your stereo,
turn me up, turn me up, turn me up, turn it,
yeeh , yeeh,
i say say, this one for your stereo,
turn me up, turn me up, turn me up, turn it,

sexy ladies, this right here is yo song,
Hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on,
Shout out sexy ladies,
this right here is yo song,
hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on

She blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
about us,

I can take you places, places,
you have never been,
Caribbean, feet in the sand,
i,i can take you around the world,
and you can be my girl,
and i can buy you pearls,
and you can tell your girlfriends,
how i put it down,
and its like a movie everytime i come around,
when im in yo city,man, i shove the town down,
tell the whole world, that im hot right now,

Shout out sexy ladies,
this right here is yo song,
hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on
Shout out sexy ladies,
this right here is yo song,
hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on

She blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
about us,

Yeah, she like me,
I like her, yeah,
knew knew i woulda wifed her,
Who woulda thought that,
she woulda been like,
the other half of me, what a sight to see,
me and her traveling, all across the world,
i can be her man, she can be my girl,
turn her radio on, she kissing me thru the phone,
when i say that its on, when i show that its on,

Shout out sexy ladies,
this right here is yo song,
hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on
Shout out sexy ladies,
this right here is yo song,
hop inside yo car, and turn yo radio on

She blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
Im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
she blowing me kisses, she blowing me kisses,
im staring and reminiscing , thinking, dreaming,
about us,