I'm rather irritated by someone...No its not my ex...Don't worry...Its other mega douches...I just don't get it...Hv ppl lost d ability to take hints nw or what...?Seriously,everyday all I get is..
Fuck man,I hv ntg to say to u n its pretty obvious our conversations go nwhere...So just leave me d fuck alone...Its so irritating ppl like u,especially after that time when I was doing that online test n u decide that me telling u to shut the fuck up only applies to u talking to me...Get fucking real,some dickheads hv ntg better to do with their time or what???n u think its just me getting pissed???Oh man I'm nt d only one...FUCK...Getting majorly irritated...I don't even knw why I made fren with u,I've made fren with cunts like u in d past n it doesn't end well...Its gonna b 1 of d same...Fuck some ppl just piss me off...TAKE A FUCKIGN HINT...n that girl your chasing,no fuckign wonder she is so cold,coz u r so fucking irritating..I dono...whatever,,I hope u get hit by a bus...Wow, feel much better
But just for fun,I'm gonna set a trap, n I'll argue for d sake of arguing...Coz v all knw its fun...
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