I knw what u r...I knw what u r tryin to do...To justify 1 self with frivolous actions..That makes me fucking SICK..'I thought v were all gud' Yeah.... I lie...I hv ntg to say to u...v aren't gud coz I just don't want to talk to u anymore...Is it anymore obvious...Of course I blocked u...I deleted your number...Hell u think u r so important that I 1 to keep a track of u..And here IS A FUCKING HINT...Stay away frm my facebook...Its just annoying when I didn't add u as a fren...Surely that means u HV NO FUCKING right to talk to me on thr...I forgot to chg my settings but so what...What makes u think I give an ass abt u or ur fucking life...u burned d final piece of d bridge last time by say 'oh b4 u hear it from other ppl'...In what world do I want to knw d details...If u wanna rub it in then go ahead...Whatever...I stopped needing shit like u in my life a long time ago...Yeah when I was talking abt casting away d shackles I mean't u...u held me back. I dont want that EVER AGAIN...I dun1 to see u...I dun1 to hear from u...I don't want anything frm u after I get my things bek...Yeah, I'll get them bek...Doesn't mean I'm goin to go see u...haha
Don't kid urself and don't make me into the bad guy to justify urself...u tried too late...u left it to the last 2nd when u thought I was goin to leave u called me...Thats why I ignore d texts...n I've been gone a long time ago...I closed the fucking door and if u come knocking no 1 is home...
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