Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
2. 愛情正是一個將一對陌生人變成情侶, 又將一對情侶變成陌生人的遊戲。
3. 愛一個人很難,放棄自己心愛的人更難。
4. 一個人最大的缺點不是自私、多情、 野蠻、 任性,而是偏執地愛一個不愛自己的人。
5. 一個承諾在最需要的時候沒有兌現,那就是出賣,以後再兌現,已經沒什麼意思了。
6. 我們放下尊嚴,放下個性,放下固執,都只是因為放不下一個人。
7. 有時候,我們愛著的,不是現實的那個人,而是回憶裡的他。
8. 愛情使人忘記時間,時間也使人忘記愛情。
9. 世上最遙遠的距離,不是生與死的距離,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你卻不知道我愛你。
10. 失望,有時候也是一種幸福,因為有所期待,所以才會失望,因為有愛, 才會有期待,所以縱使失望, 也是一種幸福,雖然這種幸福有點痛。
11. 世上最無法掩飾的,是你不愛一個人的時候的那種眼神。
12. 對於出現在自己所愛的男人身邊的任何一個女人,我們總是有許多聯想的。他會愛上她嗎?一生之中,我們重復著多少次這樣的憂慮?這些微小的妒忌,本來就是愛情的本質,也許是毫無根據,毫無道理的。
13. 喜歡一個人,是不會有痛苦的。愛一個人,才會有綿長的痛苦。當然,男人給女人的快樂,也是世上最大的快樂。
14. 愛對方多一點還是被對方愛多一點,從來不是我們選擇的。我們所嚮往的愛情,跟我們得到的,往往是兩回事。
15. 思念是苦的,假如你思念的那個人永遠不會愛上你。
16. 當一個女人不被一個男人所愛,她赤身露體,在他眼裏,不過是一堆血肉和骨頭。
17. 愛人是很卑微的,很卑微的,如果對方不愛你的話。
18. 一對男女之所以能夠成為佳偶,並不是因為他們完全一樣,而是他們能夠接受彼此的差異。
19. 我們害怕他會變心。我們害怕愛情會變。首先改變的往往不是一個人的心,而是他對事情的看法。想情人永不變心,你要不斷重新認識改變了的對方,重新欣賞改變了的對方。
20. 珍惜時間的人,很少會錯愛。我們的感情弄得一團糟,通常是因為我們喜歡浪費時間,百無聊賴,以為自己浪費得起。
21. 帶給你快樂的那個人,就是也能帶給你痛苦的人。
22. 如果沒法忘記他,就不要忘記好了。真正的忘記,是不需要努力的。
23. 只想找一個在我失意時,可以承受我的眼淚,在我快樂時,可以讓我咬一口的肩膊。
Sunday, September 12, 2010
blowing me kisses
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
而像你这样 每一位也心痒
清楚 你未暗示我 是我幻想
给我想太多 导致内伤
迷药快过 回复正常
过几多通宵 至肯醒觉才愿退烧
爱不了 却偏走不了 别说笑
没有感受 灵魂被你拖走
缠在你左右 我乞讨等接收
风沙扑面我未怕 为你暴走
惊觉只有沙 没有绿洲
还是放弃 无谓献丑
过几多通宵 至肯醒觉才愿退烧
爱不了 却偏走不了 没救了
何事落到这收场 枯死在你手上
风花月似戏一场 遗容任你瞻仰
壮观得夸张 你可会流着泪冥想
最终你 吐出这一句 别勉
Friday, July 30, 2010
Although this is unforgettable experience...
i only can save in my heart...?
All gal and guy is selfish..
Nw a day i really understanding of this term!!
Ppl always said that in this society nt hv true love or only 1%...
In this way,i think this world nt hv true love again..right?
I hv blif ady...
But that is faults..
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fine Without u
Leave me alone.
This is d end...i'm starting a new story, 1 WITHOUT U...n u knw what,I shud hv started this 1 a long time ago...Coz when I think about it, I oways did like some1 else even b4 u came along...So this is d end...NO MORE FUCKING WORDS
Thursday, July 15, 2010
整个画面是你 想你想的睡不着
嘴嘟嘟那可爱的模样 还有在你身上香香的味道
我的快乐是你 想你想的都会笑
穿过云层 我试着努力向你奔跑
爱才送到 你却已在别人怀抱
就是开不了口 让她知道
我一定会呵护着你 也逗你笑
你对我有多重要 我后悔没 让你知道
安静的听你撒娇 看你睡着 一直到老
就是开不了口 让她知道
就是那么简单几句 我办不到
整颗心悬在半空 我只能够 远远看着
这些我都做得到 但那个人已经不是我
Sunday, July 4, 2010
i do need a help right nw...
tell me???!
i doubt 1 thing suddenly..
should i ...give up???
plz reconsider ur options,thr r always hv a way???
i can't fight this anymore n i just standing on an edge...
i was wrong...totally wrong...
it's nt that simple that i thought b4...
and i can't pay for this....
tell me something good pal.
i left so much in d paz n what do i gain nw???
i need some space ...plus alcohol...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It seems that some ppl always disappoint us...
Thr is forever a time when v r let down...
Ntg is wrong, but it feels like things r...
And all this shit that ppl r thr is fucking getting to me....
d truth is,ppl aren't thr...I wasn't thr when R needed me....
And I regret it...
But u knw what thr is some things that nid to b sorted out themselves....
Humanity is a cancer....
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Chase This Light.
Fuck man,I hv ntg to say to u n its pretty obvious our conversations go nwhere...So just leave me d fuck alone...Its so irritating ppl like u,especially after that time when I was doing that online test n u decide that me telling u to shut the fuck up only applies to u talking to me...Get fucking real,some dickheads hv ntg better to do with their time or what???n u think its just me getting pissed???Oh man I'm nt d only one...FUCK...Getting majorly irritated...I don't even knw why I made fren with u,I've made fren with cunts like u in d past n it doesn't end well...Its gonna b 1 of d same...Fuck some ppl just piss me off...TAKE A FUCKIGN HINT...n that girl your chasing,no fuckign wonder she is so cold,coz u r so fucking irritating..I dono...whatever,,I hope u get hit by a bus...Wow, feel much better
But just for fun,I'm gonna set a trap, n I'll argue for d sake of arguing...Coz v all knw its fun...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Run away n nvr return...
Do what u do best n gv up....I'll watch as 1 day u regret it...But this time....I'm nt goin to waver or bek down...No nt this time...Coz u will b dead to me...Everything abt u will b removed...Every piece... n if I see u, I'll look straight into your eyes...But I wont say hi, no not this time, cause I wont feel guilty...I wont hv any reason to b ashamed...I won't regret...
Do what u want infront of me, hold who ever tighter, grip their hand kiss them deep...I knw they wont k as much as I did...That each time u will get just enough to survive but u will live a wretched half life....Always pondering d question of what if....
Come to your senses, come knocking to my door...Bang at my window at 5am...But I'm nt thr anymore...But a distant memory no more...Just a shadow d dark figure in d nite...But no, u r nt real, nt to me....u're dead to me...I won't regret...
Friday, May 21, 2010
What were we hoping for???
I just dun get y some ppl insist on making life complicating...Just some ppl r so damn selfish...They dun think that others hv their own life n that ppl just want to do what they want by themselves...y can't A Just hv left me alone...Things v're so gud nw they r all annoying, I feel d sense of irritation rising n its so hard to keep my anger in check these days...Nt just that, some dumb shits r absolutly pissing me off...I mean its plainly obvious that I dun1 to talk to u so much if i Just ignore u all d time right...But bek to that later...
I just wish that A had hv left me alone...Let d sleeping dogs lie...Nw its too far ahead, n I'm nt sure that being fren will work, its like she will always b watching my bek n I dun mean in d way that is helpful...Its d I'm keeping an eye on d other girls in ur life so I can pick them off 1 by 1...I mean in theory its a nice thing to say that there is a girl waiting around for me, but the more I think abt it d more I realize that its nt worth my while....I dun knw hw I feel abt her at all....d thing is I dun feel as much or any of d spark anymore...Can it come bek...? I dun knw...But I dun1 this to b a problem...
Cast away d shackles that hold ur feet to d ground...
No 1 will hold me back in this lifetime....These days r fucking mine...Yes I knw I say that in every entry n thats hw things hv been goin lately..I'm nt gonna let them all push me around with their whims n fancy...I'm nt like d others as A found out, n if they think that I need to prove myself....Well I'm nt so sure.. I know more in the past 3 months abt myself...I knw what I'm nt n I knw more abt what I hv to do....Yeah I'm nt d nicest person this side of d world...But I'm nt some ruthless fuck either....Thr is always a chance to bide my turn n its only with trust that d poison is fed with d spoon...
Some ppl need to calm the fuck down these days...Thr is this friend, everytime on MSN hes like DUDE, or hey....n if I dun reply its like - 'u thr'.... Fuck its nt like thr is anything to talk abt anyway...n iono y he just doesnt go disturb other friends...I mean if I say B BEK LTR n I dun reply then obviously IM NT BEK YET...FML FML FML....Thats d thing, I make fren with such irritating ppl sometimes....It fucking sucks...If thr is some1 I 1 to talk to then I'll talk to them, n thr isn't anything new to talk abt....All he freaking says is - Oh I 1 that girl, this girl is a cold chick....Rah rah rah, its all crap n I'm so bored talking to them...n when I say play it cool to him, he doesnt understand that its with every1....Whats more, when that douche was tired all he did was sit thr n talk crap b4 he went home, y cant he just go home then, its not like he has to wait around if hes bored and tired....FUCK, I did crack d shits when he didn't shut the fuck up when I was doin a test, I was so close to freaking throwing my laptop at him, et he doesnt take d hint that yeah maybe he does irritate the fuck thru me....
Thr r others too...n its just riddiculus... Some ppl think that their trivial things r so important.....n like they think they r so gud with that they dun need to do things...I won't name names, but its just riddiculus, n Yeah I had a fucking angry fit at them as well as my freaking printer when it all screwed up....So disappointing some ppl, I dun think that they realize when they get a 2nd chance they aren't supposed to fuck it up...I'm happy with life....Just annoyed by d ppl in it...Yes I knw I'm back to all this bitching....
I'm pissed n I think this week I hv to annoint 3 5 FUCK WITS.
Dumb bitch who pissed me off last week
Dumb ass who won't leave me alone
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I Will Live This life n every life without any regrets....
I will nt look back at this decision in d future n regret....
As D said, its better for feel guilty than to feel used...
She had her chance long ago, nw its time to invest my time into d people that matter...
What do u want me to say???That I miss u too??Coz really I don't...Thr is nothing left from me, n thr nvr will b...Our lives changed paths long ago, n thats just hw it is...d world is harsh, just grow up...u live your life your way n I'll live mine my way...I don't k if I'm wrong, coz by me, I knw that I am doin everything right...Thr is no good guy or bad guy in this...No winner or loser... v both lost n gained at some point..But with each passing instance with each passing moment I knw i gain more self respect...It makes me stronger...It vindicates me...I don't need some1 like u in my life...Thats y things hv been so good lately...Thats y I nvr call...Thats y I nvr reply...u'r long dead to me, n my life is so much richer...Don't open up old wounds, just let is all pass n move on with your life...Don't justify urself n say that u r doin d right thing, coz u'r nt...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What u r???
Don't kid urself and don't make me into the bad guy to justify urself...u tried too late...u left it to the last 2nd when u thought I was goin to leave u called me...Thats why I ignore d texts...n I've been gone a long time ago...I closed the fucking door and if u come knocking no 1 is home...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
But d thing that most gets me...
Do u wanna come over
- n kill some time
Do u wanna come over
- n kill some time
Do u wanna come over
- n kill some time...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
我叫你左你偏偏往右Oh No
但是现在关系变得好可笑Oh No
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
V Will Roam These Satanic Hills
d days r getting shorter n it feels like my head is getting heavier...I don't knw what is going thru my mind anymore...It feels clogged up it feels unsure it feels... I just don't knw myself some days. Maybe my fringe is getting too long and its just clogging up my mind...But it feels like d cold has an extra bite which is cutting deeper that I imagined it could...D flux is so crazy these days,my mind is just awash with this feeling of being down trodden...Not suppressed as such but as if a fog has overcome me...Mayb its just d season...My mental clock is resetting itself, back to basic really...I don't even knw what I'm writing anymore...
I just I hate winter for d feeling...I love it for d sleeping...I love it for d colour...I love it for d lights...I hate summer for d feeling...I hate it for the sleeping...I love it for d ppl...I hate it for everything else...Mayb its just this country is not suited to me...Mayb I should just go away n disappear for a few years till the day I am forgotten then return in a haze...Of course everyone forgets me..u think I don't remember each of u...I watched u walk past for many years nt knowing if u knew me or nt...Or ignoring when d sense of me came about...d thing is I see everyone,much b4 they see me... Thats why if I dislike u I can disappear...u think I haven't seen A in awhile...But I hve,of course I leave b4 she gets her chance to see me...I'm not ashamed to say I hv ntg left to say to her...I couldn't care less for my belongings anymore...I couldn't care less for d ppl in between who v were all frens with...d truth is I never cared for d ppl in between...They were a means to an end..
I don't even knw what my mood is right nw. A mixture of angst.... Hate.... Worry?